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Midimusic eplayOrgan
A fully featured playable Multiple Pipe Organ Simulator and Translator
EplayOrgan is a multi purpose sample based pipe organ simulator intended to be playable by organists and versatile enough to be useful to everybody with an interest in organs. It will translate, play and record organ midi files for most organs in real time. It will load and be playable almost instantly and does not need an expensive computer with huge amounts of memory.I have given it its own page eplayOrgan
Wurlitzer and Estey e-roll Player for Mac
Plays all Wurlitzer and Estey e-rolls (MacOS Only, 64 bits)
Download eplaymacpkgV3.5a.zip Installs and works OK with MacOS, including the latest, Catalina.Updated 25 November 2019. Installation instructions improved.
(Note: A Mac folder must be zipped/unzipped by the Mac zipper or the file attributes will be damaged.)
Midimusic eplayWin32
Estey and Wurlitzer e-roll player for Hauptwerk, Miditzer,
Viscount, Allen, GrandOrgue & eplayOrgan
eplayWin32 has been replaced by eplayOrgan which can now play these e-rolls direct.eplayWin32 is still available below if you need it.
Version 4.0a Now Available for download

It will automatically operate the manuals, pedals, stops, couplers and swell.
It is optimised for playing multiple organs simultaneously. You can run two or more copies of eplayWin32 and when you tell one to "play" all copies will start playing together.
Version 3.2 and later have an improved algorithm for activating the stops on w165 organs - all previous versions made errors when w165 stops were simultaneously opened and cancelled, particularly noticeable on the later rolls when played on eplayOrgan (on which you can see precisely what is happening). Version 4.0a still includes all of the previous features. It has been compiled with the latest minGW32 compiler, has improved and additional organ data and plays Hauptwerk Burea Church organ using Lars Palo/Graham Goode's sound font.
You can drag and drop your Estey or Wurlitzer e-roll files on to eplayWin32 and it will immediately play them.
It plays almost any organ which can be played from midi keyboards, including Hauptwerk, Miditzer, GrandOrgue, Viscount, Allen, jOrgan and eplayOrgan.
Organs included (already set up): eplayOrgan. See eplayOrgan multi purpose organ.
Miditzer 160, 216 and 260 cinema organs
Wurlitzer 125, 150 and 165 band organs
Hauptwerk St Anne's Mosely, Burea Church, Paramount 310
Estey Church Organ
Viscount Classic 3500
Allen Church and Theatre organs
Grand Orgue Barton 3-7, Burea Church, Demo V1, Pitea School of Music
More organs can be easily added. All the organ data is stored in an easily edited .xml file.
Version 4.0 and later include a new playlist feature for each organ. You can play multiple files one after the other without any breaks or attention.
I have included the usual Windows Installer option in the zip, this will automatically install eplayWin32.
Alternatively eplayWin32 will work just as well if you manually install it by copying it and its supporting files to any folder on your PC.
It will even work from a memory stick. For your convenience I have included a folder with all of the files in the downloadable zip.
Download setup_eplayWin32V4_0a.zip The Latest Version.
If you play Wurlitzer 165 eRolls or Allen organs this version is a necessary update.
If you want to use eplayWin32 on a Mac this version is a necessary update.
Version 4.0a will install and run just the same on an iMac and Linux as it does on Windows. 64 bit systems preferred
but will also work just as well on 32 bit systems.
Various videos of eplayWin32 in action
For videos of eplayWin32 working with eplayOrgan, see eplayOrgan link above.Miditzer 216 Theatre Organ
Hauptwerk St. Annes Moseley
Grand Orgue Barton 3-7
MidiMusic Android Apps
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- Android Video Apps You can download these apps and use them on your phone or tablet.
Midi, Piano Roll and Wurlitzer Technical Information
Technical Articles
- Wurlitzer Paper Music Roll Scanning How Wurlitzer midi files are made.
- Midi Specification Standard Midi File Format.
- Playing Speed of Piano Rolls Discussion.
- How to Play Wurlitzer Band Organ Music Rolls Detailed information.
- Summary table, 1929 Wurlitzer Band Organ Catalog Organs using 125 and 150 style rolls.
- Wurlitzer 125 Tracker Bar Technical details.
- Wurlitzer 150 Tracker Bar Technical details.
- Wurlitzer 165 Tracker Bar Technical details
- Wurlitzer Caliola Tracker Bar Technical details.
- Violano Virtuoso Tracker Bar Technical details.
- Book Music SA File Format Technical details.
- Estey Player Organ Tracker Bar Technical details.
- How to play Estey Music Rolls Producing Sound Fonts, Technical details.
- Internet Protocols An Introduction to the Internet.
- Translate Organ Midi Files so they willplay correctly on other organs.