MIDIMUSIC Computer Processed Music

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HTML5 Audio and Video Browser Tests

Reorganised and updated: February/March 2013 and May 2013.
Updated August 2015.
Speedchecker removed Dec 2016.


1. Test your Browser

ALL audio and video on this site currently uses iframe with selectable content. This should work with any HTML5 capable browser.

When selected the audio/video should automatically play, automatically playing each following audio/video in sequence to the end of the last tune when play should stop. A red marker indicates which audio/video is selected.

If you press the "shuffle" button the music should play as above but in a random order.

If you press the "loop" button the music should play as above but should not stop at the end of the last tune.
It should continue either in sequence or random order depending on whether the "shuffle" button is pressed.

Some (usually mobile phone or tablet) browsers do not support "autoplay". If your browser is one of these you can either start the player manually or change to a browser which does support autoplay.

See sections 2. Audio Capabilities and 3. Video Capabilities below for more information.

Play Audio

Supported HTML5 Audio. If any of these play then all the music on this site should play.

  1. Entry of the Gladiators. Music by Julius Fucik
  2. Yale Varsity Two Step. Music by James Johnston
  3. Dockstader Rag. Music by Leslie C. Copeland
  4. The Robin's Return. Rythmodik Roll 9773. Music by Leander Fisher, Played by Felix Gerdts
  5. Entry of the Gladiators (test)

Diagnostic Audio. This Audio will play only if your browser supports the indicated format.

When selected the audio should automatically play and then stop when finished. A red marker indicates the selected audio.
  1. mp3.
  2. ogg.
The music files on this site are currently in mp3 and ogg format. Thus if mp3 or ogg play in your browser the music files will play in HTML5.

Play Video

Supported Video. If any of these videos play then all the music videos on this site should play.

  1. Band Organ
  2. Black and White Rag Piano
  3. Swanee River Boogie Woogie Piano
  4. Ding Dong Medley Piano

Diagnostic Videos. These videos will play only if your browser supports the indicated format.

When selected the video should automatically play and then stop when finished. A red marker indicates the selected video.
  1. WebM
  2. ogg
  3. mp4
  4. Flash

2. Audio Capabilities

2.1 Some Available Browsers

In order to play audio in HTML5 you must use a recent HTML5 compatible browser which supports mp3 or ogg.

HTML5 Web Browser's audio Capabilities
Audio format nameMP3OGGautoplaynext
Windows Internet ExplorerYESNOYESYESYESyou must allow scripts
Windows SafariYESNOYESYESYESquicktime essential
Debian Linux EpiphanyYESYESYESNOYESstops before end of tune
Debian Linux Ice WeaselNOTRIESYESYESYES 

  1. The latest version is assumed in the table. They are all free, if your's does not work try another.
  2. Always download and try the latest version before drawing conclusions.
  3. This is not a definitive list, your experience may differ.
  4. There is no audio format which will play in all browsers.
  5. Operation of 'autoplay', 'next tune' and 'red marker' are preferred but not essential for the audio player above.

3. Video Capabilities

ALL video on this site currently uses iframe with selectable video content.

  • In this method the server tries to provide a video format the browser can play.
  • This should work with any HTML5 capable browser if the server can provide an appropriate video format.
  • The formats available are at the discretion of the service provider and are not predictable.
  • If the browser cannot play any of the available formats there may be an error message or just a blank screen.

3.1 Browser Support for Native HTML5 Video

Any of these Native HTML5 formats may be used to display content in the iframe of above. The table indicates which formats may be available in the browsers shown.

HTML5 Web Browser's video Capabilities
Video format nameWebMoggmp4notes
Windows ChromeYESYESNO 
Windows FirefoxYESYESNO 
Windows Internet ExplorerNONOYESyou must allow scripts
Windows EdgeNONOYES 
Windows SafariNONOYESquicktime essential
Windows OperaYESYESNO 
Linux EpiphanyYESYESYES 
Linux Ice WeaselNOYESNO 
Android SamsungYESNOYES 
Android ChromeYESNOYES**
Android FirefoxNOYESYES 
Android OperaNONOYES 
Android DolphinYESNOYES 
** Videos on this site do not start correctly.
  1. The latest version is assumed in the table. They are all free, if your's does not work try another.
  2. Always download and try the latest version before drawing conclusions.
  3. This is not a definitive list, your experience may differ.
  4. There is no native HTML5 video format which will play in all browsers.

3.2 Browser Support for Flash video

Flash video has been superceded by Native HTML5 Video but it is still in common use and may be used to display content in the iframe of above.

4. Javascript

All capable modern browsers should support javascript. The music players on this site will not work without it.

Appendix. Video formats for HTML5

Digital Video comprises three components each of which has its own separately defined format.
  1. A container format which holds the video and audio.
  2. The video format.
  3. The audio format.
For HTML5 there are three commonly used container formats, the names of which are used to name the formats.

HTML5 Video Formats
format nameWebMoggmp4
container formatwebmoggmp4
video formatVP8TheoraH264/AVC baseline
audio formatVorbisVorbisAAC low complexity
mime typevideo/webmvideo/oggvideo/mp4
file extension.webm.ogg or .ogv.mp4 or .m4v

The mime type tells the browser what format to expect so it can check whether it is playable.