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Midimusic.org.uk Computer Humour, Emergencies

4.4 Free Disks

With America Online and other companies sending diskettes and CDROMS in the mail, computer illiterates are given more opportunities to be perplexed and befuddled. And scared.

She was transferred, and the tech listened in a while. The customer said that she didn't like the tech's answer to her question. For some reason known to her and her alone, suggesting that you give a disk to a friend is unprofessional.

One night working at technical support, this old lady called and told me that she received our disk and said that she's afraid of it.

I need a brief pause to scream with laughter.

A call came from a little girl:

  1. Index
  2. Literature
  3. Tech Support Humour
  4. Free Disks